Monday, February 28, 2011

Canucks Trade Away Somebody, Acquire Somebody Else

What we gave:
Evan Oberg
Joel Perrault
A third-round draft pick for 2012 (Haha, hope the Mayans were right!)

What we got:
Chris Higgins (from Florida)
Maxim Lapierre (from Anaheim)
MacGregor Sharp (from Anaheim)

So apparently, Chris Higgins is a 3-time 20 goal scorer. Then how come we've never heard of him? Because he played in Florida. First of all, it's easier to get more ice time in Florida, because they have fewer good players. Second of all, nobody cares about hockey in Florida, whether you live there or here, no one cares, Mr. Bettman.

Maxim Lapierre is joining his third team of this season. He started with Montreal, was traded to Anaheim, and now we got him. Why would we want a guy like this if nobody else does? Beats me.

MacGregor Sharp has played 8 NHL games with the Anaheim Ducks. Could he be our fourth-line centre? Probably not, especially when we just traded for Lapierre, who, by the way, is a centre. Sharpie's probably just a depth-type guy.

On a sadder note (because nobody cares that Oberg, Perrault, and a 3rd-round draft pick got traded), Cody Hodgson and Victor Oreskovich have been re-assigned to the Moose. Sad, but true. I actually thought they played well together in the Bruins game, Resky was out there crashing and banging and CoHo got a couple really good scoring opportunities too. But I guess, there's always the option of recalling them again if these new acquisitions fail to measure up. Maybe next year is Cody's year. All I can say is, thank goodness Mason Raymond didn't get traded!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Canucks Can Be Tough If They Want To

So, I've heard a lot of people calling for Mason Raymond's head. And more than that, calling for a tough, fourth-line, grinder-type guy who's gonna go out there and be physical. They're saying that the Canucks don't have that guy. But watching last night's game proved to me that the Canucks can be tough if they want to.

Sure, they lost. It was a bad break where Henrik Sedin got crosschecked by the tallest guy in the league, no penalty was called and the Bruins scored. That's just how it is. But the bottom two lines showed me something: they're tough. Raffi Torres was doing just what we want from him, Tanner Glass and Victor Oreskovich were throwing their weight around, Hodgson even had a couple scoring chances, and even Hansen was throwing a couple hits. Heck, Vicky even put Andrew Ference out of the game after absolutely destroying him behind the net. Just what we need.

This team can play any style of game. They can play that smooth, finesse, score-off-the-rush, amazing passing type of game where they're at their best. They can grind out a win against a defence-first team. They can even play a rough-and-tumble, hard-hitting, tight sort of game. And they can win. Any way.

Maybe we don't need a tough guy after all. Maybe they were just waiting to emerge.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

This Blog Is Slightly Less Than Famous

Nobody has ever commented on a single post I've made. Seriously, I think I'm the only one who's ever seen this blog. So, why am I keeping it up, you ask? (Oh wait, you're not reading this. And if you are, THANK YOU!!)

The reason I'm keeping this up is mostly because I like blogging. I like feeling like I'm kinda like a reporter, keeping the fanbase updated with the latest Canucks news. But the other reason is in the blind hope that somehow, someday, someone will come to this blog and be interested. And read the previous posts. And comment on my articles. So, while this blog is slightly less than famous, someday, it will be.

You just wait. (Oh nevermind, you're not even there in the first place. But if you are, you are a valued reader. And probably my only one!!)

I shall be famous!! And in the meantime, shall keep up this blog.

Who's the Hottest Canuck?

The Canucks are probably one of the hot teams in the NHL. No, I'm not talking about winning games or scoring goals. It's all about looks, looks, looks. Maybe I'm biased, but there are a couple reaaal cuties. So, in alphabetical order, I'll recap the goodest lookers on the Vancouver Canucks.

1. Alexandre Burrows
Not the hottest Vancouver Canuck, to be sure, but hey, he's not bad looking.

2. Alexander Edler
Man I love this guy. Great hair, great sense of style, interesting personality. Look at those skinnies! Eddie!!!

3. Christian Ehrhoff.
Again, he's not the hottest guy on the roster, but I like him. He doesn't really get noticed for his looks, but his current haircut is a heck of a lot better than when he was on the Sharks. Just Google it. 

4. Kevin Bieksa.
Okay, love Bieksa. LOVE HIM. I have a friend who thinks he's ugly and looks like a "troll," but I just think he's the best.

5. Mason Raymond. 
Just looking at that face makes me go, "Awwww!" He's just so cute though. Like, he seems kinda shy and awkward. Just watch him dancing! He doesn't have any idea what to do, and it's adorable. 

6. Ryan Kesler.
'Nuff said. 

7. Sergei Shirokov.
He's only last because his name starts with S. Make no mistake: this Russian's a keeper. Look at that smile, it's always on his face! (His haircut has gotten a heck of a lot better since he was in Russia, though. Thank goodness for that!)

Well, there you have it. The hottest Canucks players in alphabetical order. In my opinion, of course. My apologies if I've left your favourite sexy Nuck off the list, or added someone who you think is the ugliest guy ever. Now, without further ado, go back and check out those pictures again. Yum yum!!

Don't Trade Mason Raymond, I'm Begging You

So, the trade deadline is in a couple of days and Gillis still hasn't made a move yet. Fans are calling for a fourth-line grinder type guy, and Mason Raymond, who only has 10 goals in 51 games this season, seems like the guy to go. But I'm telling you, this guy scored 25 goals last season! He has shown that he is able to get it done and put the puck in the net. He has great speed, and if he'd only go to the net, he'd surely have a lot more goals on the season. Mix in a little confidence, and you've got a pretty good Mason Raymond.

Mike Gillis, are you there? Please, please, don't trade away MayRay. First of all, he's adorable. Secondly, I love him. And thirdly, he has shown that he can put the puck in the net. I love this whole team! I don't want anyone to go...

But if it has to be done to win a Stanley Cup...

What would you do?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I Don't Believe in Jinxes

The Canucks lost last night, 3-2 to the lowly Canadiens. Therefore, I'm confident we're going to win tomorrow night at home vs. the Blues. How do I know this? Because the Canucks haven't lost consecutive games in regulation since November 20-21.

That was last year. 

That was such an amazing stat, I just had to mention it. And just so you know, I don't believe in jinxes. The Canucks will win tomorrow evening.

Hopefully it's by a very wide margin! Love you Canucks!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cody Hodgson Re-Recalled, Ballard and Hamhuis Back

YES! Three Canucks will make returns tonight, Ballard and Hamhuis from injury, and Cody Hodgson from the Moose. He has a three-game audition as the fourth-line centre, and if he plays well during those three games, the job is his. If not, Gillis will go out and make a trade before the deadline.

I hope CoHo is the guy, please, please, please!! I really like him. I do. He's not hot, although he is a good hockey player. I don't know, something about him just... makes me like him. I guess he's cute, in a nerdy sort of way. Or nerdy in a cute sort of way. Whichever. I like Cody Hodgson.

Suddenly, Tanev is back to being the only rookie on defence again. It seems so long since he got called up, mainly because every time he was about to be sent back down, another guy got injured. But you would think that whichever defenceman comes back next, he's going down. It's not a long-term fit for this season, but this kid's gonna be good. He's gonna be good.

Here's to a great game tonight against MTL!! Go Canucks Go!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Is Daniel going to win the Art Ross?

A couple of years ago, Canucks fans would think me crazy for even asking this question. Heck, even midway through last season it was unheard of. But Henrik now has an Art Ross and Hart trophy of his own. Meanwhile Daniel was nursing an injured leg, came back and suddenly his twin brother was lighting it up. But he still managed to set a career high in points. This year, he leads the NHL in points with 77, two more than Steven Stamkos. Granted, Crosby would be leading by miles if he hadn't been concussed. But he is. So, I ask of you, is Daniel Sedin going to win the Art Ross?

Questions will become answers. And there's about 20 games left to decide. Anything can happen in those 20 games. But I'm sure Daniel is just dying to equal his twin brother.

If he could win the scoring title (and that's a big "if"), would he also win the Hart trophy? That's a tough one. Crosby obviously had that amazing 25-game point streak, but then got injured. Would he still be eligible? Last year, the argument against Henrik was that he had too many second assists. But Daniel is much more of a goal-scorer than Henrik, and already has 32 goals. Because of this last reason I'm tempted to lean towards yes.

Imagine the stories we'd tell years later if he were to win it. Again, I'm not guaranteeing anything, but... Just think about it. Two identical twin brothers, playing in a league of Crosbys and Ovechkins, Stamkoses and St. Louises. One of them unexpectedly wins the Art Ross while the other is injured. Henrik is not expected to repeat. But next season, his brother begins to light it up. People begin to talk. Daniel follows up his brother's scoring title and league MVP win with one of his own. Two brothers win the scoring race. Twins, nonetheless. Playing on the same team. In back-to-back seasons. History would be made.

I don't wanna get my hopes up too high, but... I'm hoping. Maybe, just maybe?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I'm So Lucky

I like to think that I've always been a Canucks fan at heart. Sure, when I was a little kid, I didn't watch games, but there was always a seed, a seed that at any moment was ready to burst out into full flower. That happened in the spring of 2009.

I guess it all started because of my dad. He always watched Canucks games, and sometimes I would watch too. But often I wasn't very interested, and I didn't know much about the current Canucks or their history. But then, a friend of mine started talking about the Canucks a lot, and I decided to start watching hockey. Unfortunately for me, I only watched about five games before the Canucks were knocked out of the playoffs by the @$%** Blackhawks.

Next season was when I really became a true Canucks fan. No longer was I asking stupid questions like, "Hey, where's Markus Naslund? What's icing?" No, I read up on the game, became interested in it, watched Canucks games, and became more and more in love with the game of hockey. The 2010-2011 season was when Henrik Sedin won the Art Ross and Hart trophies. It was the season of the history-making 14-game road trip, which was caused by the Olympic hockey tournament right here in my backyard. Vancouver 2010, one of the greatest stories in Canadian hockey history, and I was alive to witness it. Unbelievable.

That playoffs, of course, was the second year in a row we had gotten knocked out by the Hawks. I felt we were a better team than that and was sorely disappointed. All summer long I yearned for the season to start again. Finally, it did.

The Canucks got off to an okay start, but late November-early December was when they really started putting on the heat. Franchise records were broken left and right, in fact, the Canucks record books were being re-written, and still are. It's hands down the franchise's best season to date in 40 long years of history. And here I am, 14 years old, to witness it.

I can't believe my luck! Here I am, having been a fan for such a short time (compared to older fans who have been with the Canucks for all 40 years) and being able to watch an amazing team like this is, well... amazing!! The team was soooo bad in the 70's, late 80's, etc. And for all the diehards that stuck with the team through thick and thin, I salute you. And although I'd like to consider myself a diehard too, (heck, I'm so obsessed, I'm blogging about the Canucks!) I really respect the longtime fans who have been around so long and seen it all.

I hope this is the year. We've been treated to an unbelievable season so far, and I've been unable to wait for the the playoffs since the moment the Hawks defeated us and went on to win the Cup. But for now, I'm just gonna sit here and soak it all in. I guess it was the right time to jump on the bandwagon back in 2009, and now I'm so in love with my Canucks, I'll stick with them through anything.

Thank you team! I'm so lucky to be around to witness this!

Hockey Hottie of the Week

Today's HHOTW is Tyler Seguin! He was drafted second overall by the Bruins last year is just 19 years old. This season he has 10 goals and 11 assists for 21 points.

Do you think he looks better with his hair all curly like that (above) or spiked like this?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mikael Samuelsson Kinda Looks Like the Hypnotoad

See the resemblance?                    

Around the League- Feb 19

This blog was supposed to be also about hockey in general, not just Canucks stuff. So I'm going to stick to my word, and every Saturday (hopefully!) have a section called "Around the League." (Unless I think of a wittier name for it.)

Today I'm going to go around the west and take a look at how they're doing.

1. Vancouver Canucks- 83 points.
The Canucks have been plagued by the injury bug to their top d-men but are staying afloat atop the Western conference. With 83 points, they're 5 up on Detroit for first place. They're 7-3-0 in their last 10.

2. Detroit Red Wings- 78 points.
The Detroit Red Wings are finally starting to get healthy again, and are a dangerous team when fully healthy. They have 78 points and are also 7-3-0 in their last 10.

3. Phoenix- 71 points.
The Phoenix Coyotes once again have surpassed expectations and baffled the league by being 3rd in the West. They have moved up and taken the place of the Dallas Stars, doing so by winning 6 straight and again, 7-3-0 in their last 10.

4. Nashville- 70 points.
Time and time again the Predators are always in the mix, making the playoffs steadily year after year under bench boss Barry Trotz. They are 4-4-2 in their last 10.

5. San Jose- 70 points.
The San Jose Sharks, who have struggled this season so far, seem to finally have found their groove. For a long time they weren't in playoff contention, but being 7-2-1 in their last 10 does help.

6. Dallas- 68 points.
The Dallas Stars, once baffling the league by being 3rd in the west, have slumped lately and fallen to sixth, fighting for a playoff spot. They've lost 3 in a row and are 2-7-1 in their last 10 games.

7. Los Angeles- 68 points.
The team who had only two wins on an 8-game homestand seems to have found their groove too. They weren't in playoff contention but have pulled themselves up to 7th. They are 7-0-3 in their last 10 games.

8. Anaheim- 68 points.
Fighting for a playoff spot, the Ducks currently occupy the final berth. They're 6-4-0 in their last 10, but have lost two in a row.

9. Calgary- 68 points.
The team who looked to be done for has somehow resurrected their season. Everyone thought they would have a nice long off-season for golfing, but the Flames have other plans. They're 7-1-2 in their last 10 games.

10. Minnesota- 67 points.
The Wild are somehow surprisingly, only one point out of the playoffs right now. They're fighting it out in the thick of the western conference. They're 7-3-0 in their last 10 games.

11. Chicago- 64 points.
The former Cup champs, only one year removed from their year of glory, are struggling this year, their team being dismantled after winning the cup. And having a record of 3-5-2 in their last 10 games doesn't help.

12. Columbus- 64 points.
The Bluejackets are near the bottom of the Western conference and don't have much hope of making the playoffs. They're making a bit of a push though, being 6-3-1 in their last 10. They're still only 4 points out of a playoff spot.

13. St. Louis- 61 points.
The Blues came out of the gate flying, with new goalie Jaroslav Halak, who had looked unbeatable in the 2010 playoffs. But lately he has looked more human, and the Blues are only 4-4-2 in their last 10. They have won two in a row, so things might be beginning to turn. They're 7 points out of a playoff spot.

14. Colorado- 57 points.
They used to be the second-best in the Northwest. Now, they're the second-worst, ahead of only the lowly Oilers. They held a playoff spot, but have not won for 9 games. They're 1-8-1 in their last 10. With 57 points, it's not looking good for the Avalanche.

15. Edmonton- 44 points.
The Oilers aren't going to make the playoffs this year. But with some promising young prospects, there's hope for the future. (Which is more than can be said about Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa...) They're 3-7-0 in their last 10, but have won 2 in a row.

Well, there you have it. A complete breakdown of the crazy Western conference, where everybody wants to make the playoffs but only 8 teams can. Should be interesting, as this is the stretch drive. Tune in next Saturday for, "Around the League!"

Friday, February 18, 2011

Oh Bieksa: an Original Canucks Tune to be Sung to the Tune of Oh Susanna

Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado we shall now hear the ageless classic: Oh Bieksa.
(wild clapping and cheering)

Thank you, thank you!! In case you didn't know, this is the same tune as Oh Susanna.

I come from yonder Abbotsford with a jersey on my back
The line-up's long at GM Place, but I ain't goin' back
I'm goin' to Vancouver, a Canucks game for to see
So Bieksa, oh my dear Bieksa, please play well for me

Oh Bieksa! Please play well for me!
'Cause I come from yonder Abbotsford
A Canucks game for to see

I had a dream the other night about this very game
A defenseman scored the winning goal, Bieksa was his name
A smile spread from ear to ear, my face began to glow
Thank you dear Bieksa, dear you really stole the show

Oh Bieksa! Please play well for me!
'Cause I come from yonder Abbotsford
A Canucks game for to see

Thank you, thank you. Really, you're too kind.

Canucks Injury Timeline

Okay, so Hamhuis & Ballard could be back within the next 2-3 games, Bieksa will be back in next 3-4 weeks, and Edler & Alberts could be back by the playoffs.

So only Edler will be missed as long as we have no more injuries. Alberts hits lots but he's not a key cog in our defensive system.

Kay, let's get healthy!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Canucks Defensemen Need a Get-Well Card

Shockingly, injuries to our defensemen have an effect on winning hockey games. Who knew?

Well, our thin blueline showed through tonight, allowing two quick Nashville goals right after having tied things up 1-1.

Not much else to say. Hope guys start getting healthy soon.

I have nothing else to say, so let's look at prospective "get well" cards that we could possibly send to the Vancouver Canucks defensemen.

How about this one? Seems nice and cheery.
Of course, there's always the matter-of-fact approach.
Hmm. Looks a lot like how the Canucks defensemen are feeling right now.
Ehrhoff isn't injured, so I guess he can translate.
Whoa, good idea!!
Finally, we can keep Sami Salo healthy!!

Y'know, it might work. Never hurts to try!
And finally, the best advice you could give a Canucks defenseman. HEED THIS WARNING!!
There are many ways to say it, but one message: GET WELL SOOON!!! We need you out there dudes!!

Instead of Counting the Injured D-Men, We Should Probably Just Count the Ones We Have Left

Hmm... let's see... who do we have left, anyway? We got Ehrhoff, Salo (for once!!), Rome (thank goodness he's durable), Tanev, Sauve, and Oberg. That's our defensive lineup tonight against the Preds. Tanev has played 12 NHL games. Oberg, just called up today, has played 2 NHL games. Sauve has played 1. Half our defensive lineup tonight is rookies. The wounded include Hamhuis (concussion), Ballard (knee sprain), Bieksa (fractured foot), Edler (back), Sweatt (foot) and Alberts (wrist). This is getting ridiculous here!! What have we done to anger the hockey gods??

If we can get through tonight without another injury, it's a miracle. Sami Salo, thank goodness, has already made up for his yearly quota of injured games.

Get well D-men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Day

I want the Canucks to do a happy Valentine's day movie for us!! Just sayin'. That would be the best Valentine's day gift... <3!!

Hockey Hottie of the Week

Today's Hockey Hottie of the Week is... Torrey Mitchell! I picked him because he's hot, but, um... I don't really know too much about him. Yeah...

Frick!! The other pic I was gonna use is one that "I don't have the license to use." Come on, that was the most hot one!

Awww!! Look at them adorable battle scars!! Poor baby... 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

This Could Be The Year

It has come time to talk about something Vancouver Canucks fans have been talking about for forty years.

You know what I mean. Everybody in Vancouver knows what I mean. All Canucks fans know what I mean.

This could be the year.

THE year.

This is arguable the Canucks' best ever chance in franchise history to win it all, the prize of prizes, the ultimate championship, the Stanley Cup. They're leading the NHL in points with 79, two up on the Philadelphia Flyers. They're seven points ahead of Detroit for the conference lead, and 15 points up on Calgary for the division lead. They're currently the highest scoring team in the NHL, and are second in goals allowed having allowed one more than the Nashville Predators. The Canucks' power play is best in the NHL, and the penalty kill is fourth, a mere 2.7% back of Pittsburgh's for top spot. They have one fewer win than the Flyers with 35 on the season, and have the fewest losses in the NHL, two better than the Flyers.

The list of stats goes on and on, but everything about this team suggests greatness. The franchise has never won a President's trophy, nor a conference championship, but are favourites in the running this year. They have not advanced to the third round of the playoffs since the storied '94 Cup run, our best chance to win the Cup in franchise history. This year's Canucks team, however, is something else. They're better than any other Canucks team that has graced Vancouver ice. They're calm, cool, and collected under pressure, and never let their emotions rise too high or fall too low.

I can't wait for the playoffs. I can't wait for the playoffs. Vancouver fans, this is your chance to see forty years of Vancouver hockey rise to its pinnacle. Forty years of hoping and dreaming, cheering, crying and laughing.

This could be the year.

Injury Bug Plagues D-Men; Salo Returns

Well, well, well. Look who's returning to the Canucks' lineup tonight!! Sami Salo is making his long-awaited season's debut tonight against the Calgary Flames, no less on Hockey Day in Canada. And after all that agonizing over, "How is he going to fit under the cap? What are we gonna do??" our blueline has become a black-and-blue-line, allowing Salo back into the lineup with no cap implications. In fact, if Salo was not ready to go tonight, we'd have needed to call up another D-man. As it is we have 6 healthy defensemen. Edler (back surgery, should be back by playoffs), Ballard (3-4 weeks, leg injury), Hamhuis (indefinitely, concussion), and Sweatt (6-8 weeks, fractured foot) are all currently injured, whilst Alberts and Rome are both coming off recent injuries of their own. The injury bug seems to be a blessing in disguise, however, as after the trade deadline, these guys are all gonna start getting healthy and the Canucks are going to have no less than eleven hopefully healthy, capable NHL-worthy defensemen.Thank goodness for all that defensive depth the Team 1040 guys were raving about, or we'd be pretty darn screwed. By playoff time if most guys can stay healthy, we're gonna be STACKED.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sweet Deal for Lee Sweatt

So Lee Sweatt was about to be sent back down to the Manitoba Moose recently, but that very day he blocked a shot in practice (who blocks shots in practice??) and broke his foot. In other words, he could no longer be sent down because he's injured. The Canucks had to put him on injured reserve (which thankfully doesn't count against the cap) but for now, he's sitting around with a broken foot getting paid $650,000 instead of his AHL salary of $150,000. Lucky him. More than a coincidence? I hope not. Anyways, it's a sweet deal for Sweatt.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hockey Hottie of the Week

Okay, so I first "discovered" this guy at the All-Star Game. He's a Swedish defenseman who plays for the Ottawa Senators. During the summer he goes back to Sweden. He likes to visit the ocean, go fishing, and hang out with his girlfriend (nooooooo...), and he once did 27 sit-ups in 30 seconds with a foam puck under his chin. Yep, it's Erik Karlsson. By the way, I'm pretty sure that the below picture (left) is at the Ikea restaurant. So Swedish people do go to Ikea...                         

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I Found These Pictures: Odd/Strange/Funny/Awesome

Duuuuude, look at how high Alex Burrows can jump.
I can't even jump that high on dry land!!

Look at this creepy old guy showing off his hairy chest. Alain Vigneault looks on, happily oblivious of the grotesqueness that's happening behind him.

Check out this goofy but cute Mason Raymond face. He looks kinda like a man possessed or something. Hope he plays like one.

I always knew that the Blackhawks were rapists.

Hey Jonny Toews, say hello to my little friend. 5 of them, to be exact.

Whoa. Umm, nice butt?
You know you like it Marty.

Check out this awesome Asian right between Henrik and Daniel Sedin.

Mikael Samuelsson's face: priceless!!

Those were just a couple of odd/strange/funny/awesome pics from the Chicago game. Better caption idea? Comment about it!!

What a Game, What a Team

Wow. What a crazy, crazy game hockey is, and none crazier than the game last night, Vancouver Canucks against Chicago Blackhawks. The Hawks were a desperate team, coming into the game placed 9th in the West, while the Canucks held a 7-point conference lead over Detroit.

Dave Bolland appeared to open the scoring midway through the first, but it was mysteriously called as a goalie interference because some Blackhawk skated through the crease. It was a horrible call, but as I'm a Canucks fan, hey, I'll take it. Then, Hodgson took a shot, there was a rebound, Glass passed to Ehrhoff coming off the bench and Ehrhoff scored on a long slapper. Video replays showed the puck did come outside the blueline, but the goal stood. The score stayed 1-0 after the first, but the Hawks came out hard in the second and scored a couple goals to put them up 2-1. Samuelsson tied it on a power play towards the end of the second period, and it was tied 2-2 heading into the 3rd period.

Canucks opened the period strongly, testing Marty Turco, and Chris Tanev scored his first NHL goal. Unfortunately, it was on his own net as he tried to glove it down and it ended up behind Luongo, who by the way, played spectacularly in this game. The twins, fairly quiet up to this point, came alive as Henrik put one past Turco on the power play to tie it 3-3. But they weren't done yet. Daniel tipped one past the goalie with 4 minutes left in regulation for a 4-3 lead that they wouldn't relinquish. Chicago got a late power play but was unable to convert on all 5 attempts that game. It was a big test for the Canucks, but they ground it out and got 'er done. That closes out the season series for the Canucks and Blackhawks, each team has 2 wins but Canucks win it on account of a shootout loss.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ice Ice Baby

The icy, slippery roads didn't have any effect on the Canucks, after all, they skate on ice all the time, what's the big deal if it's on the roads instead of in the rink? They picked up their 3rd win over the Dallas Stars this season, with Cory Schneider in net as he was for the other 4-1 win in Dallas in January. He played strongly but only had to stop 26 shots, however, he did have to make some pretty sick saves.

Of course, it wasn't without help up front as Mikael Samuelsson opened the scoring. He's been ice-cold of late but now has 2 goals in his last 3 games, both coming against the Dallas Stars' Kari Lehtonen. (Who was affectionately dubbed "Kari Let a ton in" by the Team 1040 broadcasters after the 7-1 game.) Now Samuelsson has all of Vancouver wondering, "Where was that shot hiding?" We may never know, but hopefully he begins to climb out of that deep blue funk and scores some more goals. Following up Sammy's PPG, Ehrhoff expanded the Canucks' lead to two goals with a blistering slapper on the PP. Kesler later scored a shorty and Burr got one to round out the scoring (on the Canucks' side that is.)

Another thing of note is special teams. And yes, the special teams for the Canucks have been nothing less against the Dallas Stars. In the season series, they've gone 8 for 15 on the power play while killing off (possibly? I don't know the exact stat) all penalties and adding a shorthanded goal to boot.

Phoenix Coyotes tonight. Hope it's a good one!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Back into Action; CoHo call-up

Yeesh. Feels like forever since there's been a Canucks game! Stupid All-Star break... Anyways, the Canucks are in Dallas with their siblings (I wonder if the Sedins brought their older brothers along?) and instead of the Alex Edler injury being the biggest story, it's the call-up of Cody Hodgson, expected to play his long-awaited first NHL game. It's been a long road for CoHo, what with all the injuries and sky-high expectations. Poor guy, if he doesn't score a goal, half of Vancouver's gonna think he's a bust. Heck, if he makes one wrong move the whole city's gonna want to trade him immediately.

What's even more daunting is the fact that Sweatty here brutally high-sticked Cody in the face during practice, resulting in his latest injury, a broken orbital bone, which is why he needs to wear a full face mask in his first NHL game. Just like the women wear. It may not seem like a big deal, but when you're already going to be under a huge amount of scrutiny, you don't want to draw any more attention to yourself.

Should be a good game in Dallas, as the Stars are still pissed at us for beating them 7-1. This time they'll be ready. (But we said that last time!!) Also, Cory Schneider gets his first start in like 6 games or something like that. In his last game in Dallas he played very strongly. Surprised that Dallas is going with Kari "Let-a-ton-in" Lehtonen, as he played poorly in both games against us this season. But heck, if he plays badly again, we'll take it!!